We're Nice Neighbors.

A volunteer compliance watchdog in San Diego

The map shows all licensed short term rentals in San Diego, with operator/owner details and links to the Airbnb listings.

The city of San Diego has their official STR map.

We're a watchdog for short-term rental (STR) compliance under the rules of the new vacation rental ordinance, that started May 1, 2023.

Our concerns

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Who we are

We're San Diego stakeholders in the discussion and policy around short term rentals.

We provide reports, visualizations and other key data for use by the City and residents

What we do

NiceNeighbors is committed to fostering transparency and accountability for short term rentals. Our mission is to improve the quality of life of San Diegans by promoting housing availability, and abating rent-seeking behaviors that harm the sustainability of our economy and of our community.

We aim to guide policy and public sentiment in an objective, facts-driven way that protects the interests of the majority.

"Rather than a good vacationer, I'd like a Nice Neighbor."